What is the ketogenic diet?

To put it is simply, the ketogenic is a low carb and high fat diet in which you consume moderate amounts of protein. Yet there is more to it then that. Firstly, the ketogenic diet is different from other low carbohydrate diets, which often contain an average of twenty five to fifty grams of carbohydrates, more than is allowed on keto. In this chapter, you will learn all of the basic must learn knowledge about this chapter, you will learn all of basic must learn knowledge about this incredible diet and lifestyle. This chapter is not about the century old history of the ketogenic diet, although the ketogenic diet was established nearly one hundred years ago in the treatment of epilepsy. Since that time, it has been shown to treat drug resistant epilepsy and other neurodegenerative and neurological illnesses. In recent years, due to the successful healing from the ketogenic diet, more people have learned of this powerful plan and soon found it to be an amazing weight loss option. Yet, if you are someone who is underweight or at your ideal weight, you can also again or maintain weight on this diet if that is what your body needs and your doctor recommends.