
4 years ago

Panzanella is a Tuscan salad with a main ingredient of stale bread. Bread salad? Yes, but there are plenty of…

Fried zucchini with roasted garlic aïoli

4 years ago

Our guests are always amazed when we tell them the recipe for our fried zucchini dip the sticks in milk, coat…

Polenta fries with marinara sauce

4 years ago

If you think that French fries are irresistible, just try this baked polenta version. Let the cooked polenta chill and…

Tuscan cauliflower toasts

4 years ago

In Tuscany, sliced and grilled bread slices rubbed with garlic and “greased” with olive oil are called fettunte. The recipe sounds…

Chicken spiedini

4 years ago

We love how the close proximity of the ingredients on a skewer allows them to share their flavors. This chicken spiedini…

Fried calamari

4 years ago

If you want to check the mettle of an Italian restaurant, order the calamari. It should be crisp and tender, with…


4 years ago

This eggplant relish is the hallmark of a great Sicilian cook. Johnny remembers coming home from football practice and snacking on…

Pomodori bruschette

4 years ago

Portions: Makes 8 servings Lots of restaurants serve bruschette now, but we know that details count. By the way, here’s a short…

Fava beans with breadcrumbs (Fave con la mollica)

4 years ago

Portions: Serves 6 Ingredients: 75 kg/4 lb fresh young fava beans  175 ml/6 fl oz water   5 tablespoons olive oil  Salt  Small bunch…

Saint Lucy’s pudding (Cuccia)

4 years ago

Portions: Serves approximately 10 to 12 Ingredients: 1.25 kg/2½ lb whole wheat berries   Small pinch of salt Preparation: Soak the…